since 1850 — from 2022
ist eine Animation und benützt ihren Bildschirm für “Visualising Information” zum Klimawandel. Es zeigt den globalen Temperaturanstieg seit 1850 in einem Farbverlauf, wie er von Wärmebildern bekannt ist und färbt das Display und seine Umgebung innerhalb der 20 Sekunden von Blau nach Rot bis Gelb und Weiß.
Während es zu Beginn der Aufzeichnungen noch 135 Jahre für einen Temperaturanstieg von +1°C gebraucht hat, vergehen — laut Berechnungen — ab 2022 im Durchschnitt nur noch 25 Jahre pro weiterem Grad Celsius, wenn wir so weitermachen. 2100 wären das dann +5°C.
since 1850 — from 2022 is an animation and uses your screen for “visualising information” on climate change. It shows the global temperature increase since 1850 in a colour gradient known from thermal images and colours the display and its surroundings from blue to red to yellow and white within the 20 seconds.
Whereas at the beginning of the records it took 135 years for a temperature increase of +1°C, according to calculations, from 2022 onwards it will only take 25 years on average for each additional degree Celsius, if we continue in this way. In 2100, that would be +5°C.
Data sources:
Ed Hawkins, University of Reading (UK)
Jay Alder, U.S. Geological Survey
20 Seconds on Climate Change.
This film is a submission for the short film competition “20 Seconds for Art”. Soundless films, twenty seconds long, are to be produced, artistically interpreting the subject of “Climate. Utopia & Reality”. These issues are addressed: How is the climate – also the social climate – changing? Which roles do mobility and the steadily increasing energy consumption play? Which positive and negative effects on the climate can consumer behaviour and lifestyle have? How can art help to create a keen awareness of climate change and which contribution can the art scene make? (Text: KÖR – Public Art Vienna, modified)