Westbahnstraße 8 D1, A-1070 Wien
Hauptstraße 25, A-3224 Mitterbach am Erlaufsee


Westbahnstraße 8 D1, A-1070 Wien
Hauptstraße 25, A-3224 Mitterbach am Erlaufsee

Johanna Digruber und Christian Fröhlich betreiben seit 2008 das Studio HARDDECOR ARCHITEKTUR in Wien und Mitterbach am Erlaufsee.

Unser Portfolio umfasst Architektur, Kunst und Medien. Architektur/Kunst ist Forschung und Experiment.

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Projects 2014-2018

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In unserem neuen Wiener STUDIO WEST (-bahnstraße) arbeiten wir auch weiterhin an unserer Version von “Konzept-Architektur” im Spannungsfeld von Architektur, Kunst und Medien - im Kontext von Stadt/Landschaft (Künstliche Naturen) und Atmosphäre (Natürliche Kunsträume).

Im Moment beschäftigen wir uns mit Architektur-folies, Hoch-Plateaus, Critical Environments, Fragmenten, Spuren und Erinnerungen, Denk- und Sprachräumen, zeitbezogenen Transformationen, Color Grading…
HDC | 2018.


Johanna Digruber

studied architecture at the TU Graz and at the NTNU Trondheim, Norway.
Diploma at the Institute of Design and Building Typology (TUG), Advisor: Günther Domenig

  • From 1998 to 2000, practical work in several architectural offices e.g. Riegler Riewe, Binder+Lusser in Graz, B&M in Vienna.
  • From 2001 to 2003, design work and realisation of Kunsthaus Graz for ARGE Kunsthaus, spacelab (Peter Cook, Colin Fournier) with Architektur Consult, Graz (Peyker, Domenig, Eisenköck).
  • From 2004 to 2010, design work for several architectural offices e.g. Bolldorf in Vienna, Architektur Consult,Titus Pernthaler, GS architects in Graz.
  • From 2006 to 2008, teaching at the TU Graz | Institute for Spatial Design, Irmgard Frank
  • Since 2006, Studio HARDDECOR together with Christian Fröhlich – a technical office for interior design.
  • Since 2012, architect and civil engineer, startup HARDDECOR ARCHITEKTUR together with Christian Fröhlich – Studio for Architecture, Art, Media.

Christian Fröhlich

studied architecture at the TU Graz.
Diploma at the Institute of Urbanism, Advisors: Joost Meuwissen, Hans Kupelwieser. Works in between architecture, art and media. Teaching experience since 1998.

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  •  From 2001 to 2010, Assistent Professor at the Institute of Contemporary Art and the Institute of Architecture and Media (TUG), founded the so-called „no_LAb“- the media lab of the institute.
  • From 2007 to 2010, co-director of the postgradual master degree programme „Architectural Computing and Media Technology“ at the TU Graz.
  • From 2010 to 2013, Senior Scientist at the Institute for Art and Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Visiting Professor at the Artesis University of Antwerp.
  • From 2013 to 2014, Visiting Professor at the KunstUni Linz, space&designstrategies.
  • Since 2012, HARDDECOR ARCHITEKTUR together with Johanna Digruber – Studio for Architecture, Art, Media.
  • Currently academic researcher at the ]a[ Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Won the Austrian Building Price and the Schütte-Lihotzky-Project Award from the Federal Chancellery of Austria, Section of Artistic Affairs. Participated in several academic workshops, reviews, scientific conferences and art festivals worldwide – amongst others in Tehran (Iran), Damascus (Syria), Xi’an (China), Amsterdam, Antwerp, Delft, Lisbon, Paris, Vienna, Zurich.

Works on his doctoral thesis about architectural experiments and runs – together with Johanna Digruber – the studio HARDDECOR ARCHITEKTUR.